Visible Light Emitting Diodes for Lighting and Display
EECS Colloquium Series Featuring:
Professor C. Lee
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
UC Irvine
Location: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium
Parking is located in the Engineering Parking Structure, view map
Free and open to the public.
Lighting uses up 50% of the electricity consumed in the . Traditional lighting methods such as candles, incandescent bulbs, and even fluorescence lights are very inefficient in converting electrical power into lumens. As a result of advancement in AlInAsP and GaInN/GaN multiple quantum (MQ) well structures, high efficient LEDs have emerged as new lighting sources that are more and more affordable. Every percentage of improvement in conversion efficiency translates to billions of dollars of saving in world wide energy usage. This saving has profound impact in cutting down the pollutions produced by electricity generation. This presentation will cover the following topics: photometry, comparison of lighting sources, III-V semiconductors, direct and indirect recombination, GaInN/GaN MQ structures, I-V curves, electrical model, I-V equation, efficiency versus junction temperature, and measurement of junction temperature.
Chin C. Lee was born in
He was a research associate with
Chin C. Lee is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans, and a member of Tau Beta Pi. He is an associate editor of IEEE Trans. Components and Packaging Technologies, and since 1998 have served on the Program Committee of the IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference. He was the Chair of the ECTC Materials and Processing subcommittee. He also serves as the vice Chair of IEEE-CPMT Technical Committee 5. He received the Best Paper Award bestowed by IEEE Reliability and Electron Devices Group in 1979 for a paper "Diagnosis of Hybrid Microelectronics Using Transmission Acoustic Microscopy." He also received the 1985-86 Outstanding Assistant Professor Award from the