The Future of Electronic Systems
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Colloquium
Featuring Dwight C. Streit, Ph.D.
Vice President, Electronics Technology
Northrop Grumman Space Technology
Location: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium
Open to the public
Recent advances in the performance and maturity of a number of key technologies are enabling a new generation of electronic systems. Advanced semiconductors, photonics and nanotechnology are converging with new design, processing and packaging schemes to revolutionize system performance. Millimeter-wave circuits now operate above 300 GHz and digital circuits above 100 GHz. Monolithic integration of MEMS and HEMT devices enables intelligent circuits that can adapt to their environment. Low-power InSb devices enable microwatt receivers, while high-power GaN devices enable kilowatt transmitters. Microwave transceivers built using wafer-level micropackages reduce size and weight by a factor of 100, enabling new phased-array applications. We present here an overview of the key technologies behind these achievements, and discuss their impact to future electronic systems.
About the Speaker:
Streit is a National Academy of Engineering member and Vice President, Foundation Technologies at Northrop Grumman Space Technology. He has overall responsibility for development of the basic engineering, science and technology required for space and communication systems. He has extensive experience in semiconductor devices and MMICs for applications up to 220 GHz, as well as in infrared and radiometer sensors.
Streit has led development efforts for 10-40 Gbps optical communication systems, and has experience in the development and production of optoelectronic devices and circuits. He also has previous experience in FMCW and phased-array product development for X-band to W-band radar applications. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from UCLA in 1986.
He joined Northrop Grumman in 2002 via its acquisition of TRW, Inc. The 16-year company veteran formerly was president of Velocium, a Space Technology business unit that manufactures high-performance semiconductors for fiber optic and wireless communication systems.
Streit has published more than 300 technical papers and has some 25 patents issued or pending. While with TRW, he received the Chairman's Award for Innovation six times and the Distinguished Patent Award five times, setting company records. He was elected into the NAE in 2001 for contributions in the area of heterojunction transistors and circuits.