Alternative Energy for California: Part II - Solar
You are cordially invited to:
Admission: $20 at the door, cash or make checks payable to UC Regents
All “no shows” will be invoiced. Please notify Rachel Paley by the deadline if you must cancel.
UCI Students Free
Registration & Full Buffet Breakfast - 7:00 am
Opening Remarks -7:30 am
Greg Heiertz– President, CEE Affiliates
Professor Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos – Dean,
Professor Masanobu Shinozuka – Chair, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Peter Supko – J. Thomas Miles Memorial Scholarship Award
Program -7:45 am
Professor Jan Scherfig – Moderator
"Solar Energy and
Steve Gallanter, Project Manager,
This talk highlights the difficulty that SCE has in meeting its peak electrical energy needs and as a result is now promoting alternative clean energy sources to help power its electrical grid.
“Solar Energy Panels – The State-of-the-Art”
Dr. Steffen Jensen, Senior Design Engineer, Sol Focus, Inc.,
The basic and advanced principles of solar energy panels for generation of electricity; the next generations of panels; some long range visions for solar panel technology.
“Solar Energy and the Construction Industry”
Roy Heine, SunTrek,