Oil Policy, Alternatives, and Solutions
Presented by the SoCal Science Café
Join the invited panel as they look at the status of energy today and the policy and scientific solutions. Are you worried about peak oil? Feel a squeeze from high gas prices? Come to the Science Café Energy Forum and participate in a panel discussion on energy and the issues our state and nation face today.
Invited Panel:
- U.S. Representative John Campbell (R-Newport Beach)
- Dr. Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories California
- Mr. Jim Maclay, Doctoral Candidate (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certified), UC Irvine National Fuel Cell Research Center
Host: Brian Hart, Doctoral Candidate, Astrophysics Group, UC Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy
Barnes & Noble - Fashion Island
(949) 718-0109 Free and open to the public
RSVP required; please visit http://science.meetup.com/32/calendar/5456780/