Featuring: Dr. Shayan Garani Srinivasas, Western Digital Corporation
Digital information storage is one of the fastest emerging technological
areas as there is an ever increasing need to store and recover more
information bits reliably within shrinking media dimensions. Research
and development of successful digital recording systems has been a
truly interdisciplinary endeavor involving materials, electro-mechanical
characterization, communications and signal processing, and systems
engineering guided by underlying physical principles.
This talk will provide a broad overview of the general trend in
advanced data storage research covering several memory prototypes. As
a case study, principles and techniques pertaining to digital
holographic recording will be addressed in detail. The recording and
retrieving of two-dimensional holograms within the volume of a
holographic material is an instance of noisy communications channel.
This talk will address how information-theoretic concepts, channel
modeling, two-dimensional coding and signal processing techniques are
applied towards understanding and realizing the fundamental data storage
limits in holographic channels. Several interesting open theoretical
problems in coding theory of vital practical significance will also be
highlighted within the context of storage research.
Dr. Shayan Garani Srinivasa holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from
Georgia Tech, Atlanta. He currently leads in-house channel research and
development for magnetic and flash storage within the advanced technology
division at Western Digital and manages external academic research
collaborations. He has held senior engineering positions at Broadcom
Corporation and at STMicroelectronics. His research interests are in the
broad areas of information theory, signal processing and applied
mathematics. Dr. Srinivasa is the author of a monograph, several journal
and conference publications and patents pending in data storage and
communication systems.
Host: Prof. Ender Ayanoglu