CPCC Seminar: Joint Radar Communications - Spectrum Sharing, Cooperation and Waveform Optimization
Abstract: Synergistic design of communications and radar systems with potentially common spectral and hardware resources provides means for efficiently utilizing a limited radio-frequency spectrum. Such coexistence, RF convergence and joint radar communications models may provide advantages of low-cost, compact size, reduced power consumption, spectrum sharing, improved performance and safety due to enhanced information sharing and interference management. Coexistence among different radio systems will be a part of spectrum regulation. Moreover, flexible use of different degrees of freedom (e.g frequency, space, code, polarization) and awareness about the spectrum are key enabling technologies for the future fully adaptive and cognitive radar systems. In this talk, a brief overview of different approaches for coexistence, cooperation and design of joint radar communications systems is provided. Waveform optimization such that both subsystems achieve their desired performance levels is studied. Multicarrier waveforms that have a high potential for joint radar communication operation and RF convergence are considered. In radar systems, optimal waveform design depends on the radar task, target scenario and awareness about the state of the radar spectrum, whereas communications subsystem aims at providing sufficient quality. Examples of waveform optimization for different tasks and constraints as well as joint precoder-decoder designs for avoiding interferences in both subsystems are presented. The emerging applications of coexisting radar-communications systems include automotive radars, health and well-being monitoring as well as classical surveillance and communications tasks.
Bio: Visa Koivunen (IEEE Fellow) received his doctorate in electrical engineering with honors from the University of Oulu. He received the primus doctor award among the doctoral graduates in years 1989-1994. From 1992 to 1995, he was a visiting researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Since 1999, he has been a professor of signal processing at Aalto University (formerly known as Helsinki Univ of Technology), Finland. He received the academy professor position (distinguished professor nominated by the Academy of Finland). During 2003-2006 he was adjunct full professor at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. During his sabbatical term in 2006-2007, he was a visiting fellow at Princeton University, New Jersey. He has also been a part-time visiting fellow at Nokia Research Center (2006-2012). Since 2010, he has been visiting fellow (part-time) at Princeton University and spent a full sabbatical at Princeton University for the academic year 2013-2014 and multiple mini-sababticals. He has served as an associate editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters and IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. He has served as co-editor for two IEEE JSTSP special issues. He was a member of editorial board for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. He has been a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society technical committees SPCOM-TC and SAM-TC. He was the general chair of the IEEE SPAWC 2007 conference in Helsinki, Finland. He was the technical program chair for the IEEE SPAWC 2015 in Stockholm. He is the general chair of the 2018 Asilomar Conference. Koivunen's research interests include statistical, communications, sensor array and multichannel signal processing and their applications in wireless communications, future radar systems, cyberphysical systems such as smart grid and large-scale data analytics. He has published more than 380 papers in international scientific conferences and journals and holds six patents. He has advised 28 doctoral theses in these research topics. He co-authored the papers receiving the best paper award in IEEE PIMRC 2005; EUSIPCO'2006, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2006; and COCORA 2012. He has been awarded the IEEE Signal Processing Society best paper award for the year 2007 (with J. Eriksson) and for the second time in 2017 (with Zoubir et al). He has been awarded the 2015 EURASIP (European Association for Signal Processing) Technical Achievement Award for fundamental contributions to statistical signal processing and its applications in wireless communications, radar and related fields.