What Will You be Driving in the Future?
The Staff Ambassadors Committee invites you to learn about the fuel cell hybrid car, the vehicle of the future, and the exciting technology of alternative fuels.
Sign up on TED today! https://www.ted.uci.edu
Facts about NFCRC
* The
* The center was dedicated in February 1998 in recognition of UC Irvine's strengths in advanced energy research and the environmental and atmospheric sciences.
* Work done at the center supports the national imperative to increase the country's energy independence by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, fuel cells are expected to play a key role in the state of
* The NFCRC works closely with public entities and private industry to advance fuel cell commercialization and the emerging hydrogen economy.
* Those who attend will see a stationary fuel cell system as well as a Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle.