Auditory Cortex at the Cocktail Party: Some Studies of Spatial Hearing
Grand Rounds – Sponsored by the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Featuring John Middlebrooks, Ph.D.
Professor, Otolaryngology and Biomedical Engineering
Location: Herklotz Conference Room, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (3rd floor of building #506)
Questions can be directed to Abby Copeland at or 949.824.9107
Spatial hearing permits us to identify the locations of sound sources and to isolate sounds of interest from the confusion of competing sounds. I will consider some evolving views of how the locations of sounds are written in patterns of cortical activity, will show that these patterns vary on a time scale of minutes depending on an animal’s listening state, and will present some preliminary psychophysical and physiological results on spatial release from informational masking and spatial stream segregation.