The Urban Water Research Center Fall 2007 Seminar
Presented by the UC Irvine Urban Water Research Center and Santa Margarita Water District
Featuring Dennis O'Connor
Principal Consultant, Natural Resources and Water Committee
California State Senate
Location: University Club Library, UC Irvine
Reception to follow
Free and open to the public, but reservations are required. To RSVP or for more information, please contact the Urban Water Research Center at or call 949-824-3442.
About the Speaker:
O’Conner will share his expertise and insight with us on the current California water landscape, both legislatively and more generally in this presentation. He has been with the State Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee since January 2003. Before coming to the Committee, he spent 10 years at the California Research Bureau (CRB), a nonpartisan policy research branch of the California State Library, serving for six of those years as the Assistant Director for the Environment and Natural Resources. O'Connor is the author of a number of CRB reports, including reports on the governance of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the financing of the State Water Project.