Judy Greenspon, NPI Services, Inc. on Entrepreneurship
Winter Quarter 2010 Entrepreneurship Seminar Series
Featuring Judy Greenspon
NPI Services, Inc.
Location: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium
Free and open to the public
The Entrepreneurship Seminar Series provides a real-world introduction to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship. Through a series of presentations by prestigious entrepreneurs and industry leaders, participants will explore the various organizational, strategic and financial challenges facing successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Topics include start-up strategies, business idea evaluation, business plan writing, and introduction to venture capital.
For a complete listing of Entrepreneurship Seminar Series guest speakers, please visit http://www.eng.uci.edu/events/entseminars.
About the Speaker:
At the heart of NPI Services, Inc., is owner Judy Greenspon. Greenspon graduated in 1980 from St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame in economics with a minor in computer science.
In 1985, Greenspon began her engineering support service career in Orange County, working on x86-based motherboards and servers for several leading edge Fortune 500 high-technology companies.
After college, Greenspon joined the U.S. Peace Corps and spent the next five years as a developmental economist managing projects in Southeast Asia. Today, Greenspon runs NPI Services, Inc., from offices in Costa Mesa, with the sole focus of supporting R & D engineers in the development of sophisticated leading-edge prototypes in the aerospace, medical and telecommunication markets.
Although Greenspon leads a company on the forefront of technology, she is also deeply committed to being a good corporate citizen through her ongoing involvement in local and international philanthropic organizations. This commitment is driven from her years of service with the Peace Corps, and desire to continue helping others less fortunate.