Frithjof Kruggel
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
M.D., Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, Biomedical Engineering, 1987
Diploma, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, Biomedical Engineering, 1983
Dr. Kruggel's research focuses on understanding the relation between structures and functions of the human brain. He is developing and applying new signal and image processing algorithms to the data analysis of neurofunctional methods (anatomical and functional MRI, emission tomography, event-related fields and potentials).
The technologies that Dr. Kruggel has previously designed includes:
1) New methods for neurofunctional data analysis;
2) Segmentation of pathological structures in brain datasets;
3) Biomechanical and electromagnetical finite element models of the head;
4) Combining event-related potentials and functional MRI.
His current work involves the quantification of neuroanatomical structures and the detection of neurofunctional areas from high-resolution anatomical MRI databases.