Multiscale Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Mechanics and Materials
CEE Seminar
Featuring Jiun-Shyan (J.S.) Chen
Chancellor’s Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
Free and open to the public
During this presentation, multi-scale computational methods for continuum mechanics are first introduced. In particular, the “reproducing kernel” and the “wavelet” based multi-scale numerical methods, as well as an energy based consistent asymptotic expansion formulation, will be presented. Methods for bridging physics on different scales and the corresponding computational techniques for solving coupled problems will then be discussed. Model problems include coupling of coarse and fine scale responses in continua, bridging of continuum and meso scales, multi-scale wavelet projection method for continuum-meso and molecular structures, and adaptive partition of unity method in quantum calculation. Several examples will be given to demonstrate the proposed multi-scale methods. This includes the modeling of damage and fragment processes, grain structure evolution in polycrystalline materials, wrinkling formation in sheet metals, coupling of meso-scale dislocation and continuum mechanics, coarse graining of DNA molecules, and solution of Schrödinger equation in quantum physics.
About the Speaker:Professor J. S. Chen received a Ph.D. from
He has received numerous awards, including the GenCorp Technology Achievement award, the Faculty Scholar award, the UCLA Chancellor’s Professor Endowed Chair, Fellow of the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, Fellow of the International Association for Computational Mechanics, the elected treasurer of the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, and a General Council member of the International Association for Computational Mechanics. He is editor-in-chief of a new journal titled “Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics: an International Journal,” and is serving on the editorial board of numerous international journals.