UCI Engineering Dean Elected to ASEE Deans Council Board
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) has elected Gregory Washington vice chair of its Engineering Deans Council Executive Board. Washington, dean of UC Irvine’s Samueli School of Engineering, will serve a two-year term (2015-17) and then automatically assume the chairperson position.
The executive board sets policy for U.S. educational programs on curricula, facilities, new research initiatives, online education and industrial engagement. It also manages the Engineering Deans Institute, the primary training mechanism for all engineering deans, and oversees the Engineering Research Council, which helps set research policy for programs across the country.
“The Engineering Deans Council is the primary governing board coordinating engineering education and research in the U.S.,” said Washington. “I’m looking forward to serving on the executive board and contributing to how we educate the next generation of engineers to be competitive in a global marketplace.”
Washington has served as the Samueli School dean for more than three years. Under his leadership, the school has increased its faculty ranks and number of students.
ASEE serves as the primary multidisciplinary society for individuals and organizations committed to advancing excellence in all aspects of engineering and engineering technology education.